Foster Care has its ups and downs. Children who live with their parents are very lucky. Many foster chilren end up in foster care because of their parents irresponsible decisions. The children pay for their parents mistakes. An example of an "up" in foster care is that they provide homes, care, love, education for the underprivledged children. A down would be that the children end up in a foster home because their parent's bad decsions. In some cases, the parents have to put their children in foster care because, they are young and they can't afford taking care of their child, the women may have been raped and had no choice.

you can be doing the same

you can be doing the same
they need your love

foster care statistics

foster care statistics
reduce the orphans

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CST # 1 Life and Dignity of a Human person

Life and Dignity of a Human person

The Catholic Church proclaims that the human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. Our belief in the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation of the principles of our social teachings. Even though their birth parents didn’t care enough to love them, they put them in a foster home and eventually people will connect with them and adopt them and show them the love their birth parents did not show.

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