Foster Care has its ups and downs. Children who live with their parents are very lucky. Many foster chilren end up in foster care because of their parents irresponsible decisions. The children pay for their parents mistakes. An example of an "up" in foster care is that they provide homes, care, love, education for the underprivledged children. A down would be that the children end up in a foster home because their parent's bad decsions. In some cases, the parents have to put their children in foster care because, they are young and they can't afford taking care of their child, the women may have been raped and had no choice.

you can be doing the same

you can be doing the same
they need your love

foster care statistics

foster care statistics
reduce the orphans

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

narrative notes

Jennifer W.'s Adoption Story

• She told her parents October 2007
• She was 5 months pregnant
• She was 18 years old at the time
• Thought a college degree was more important than struggling to provide for her child
• She knew adoption was the right thing for her to do
• Wanted her baby to be as fortunate as she was
• Wanted her baby to have a loving family and she knows that won’t happen if she raised it
• Her mother called American adoptions and was connected to a social worker named Sarah
• She soon became a good friend
• Sarah gave her, her cell phone number and told her she can call her anytime
• They began talking almost everyday
• Sarah began calling and checking in on her doctor’s appointments
• Sarah sent her photos of the family who was going to adopt her baby
• The family who was going to adopt was named Brad and Diane
• She fell in love with Brad and Diane instantly
• Their first phone call was in January
• They were kind, compassionate, non-judgmental and understanding
• They called her their little “angel”
• They met at an Ihop and eventually became very goods friends
• They began to go to her doctor’s appointments as well
• Diane got to hear her daughter’s heartbeat for the first time
• Lauren Marie was born February 20th 2008
• Jenifer wanted Diane to cut the umbilical chord so it felt like it was her own child