Foster Care has its ups and downs. Children who live with their parents are very lucky. Many foster chilren end up in foster care because of their parents irresponsible decisions. The children pay for their parents mistakes. An example of an "up" in foster care is that they provide homes, care, love, education for the underprivledged children. A down would be that the children end up in a foster home because their parent's bad decsions. In some cases, the parents have to put their children in foster care because, they are young and they can't afford taking care of their child, the women may have been raped and had no choice.

you can be doing the same

you can be doing the same
they need your love

foster care statistics

foster care statistics
reduce the orphans

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Famous People involved with Adoption

Faith Hill- adopted
Walt Disney - adoptive parent
Angelina Jolie- adoptive parent
Tom Cruise- adoptive parent
Bill Clinton- adopted
Dave Thomas- adoptive parent
Burt Reynolds- adoptive parent
Babe Ruth- adoptive parent
Diane Keaton- adoptive parent
John Lennon- adopted
Jesse Jackson- adopted

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This is bryan and zach and we are here to explain to you the advantages and disadvantages to the foster care system in America. We are also exploring what goes on after the children age out of the system. The link below we show you show you some of the struggles foster children go through on a daily basis.
